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610, 2019

Connecting in our creative community

By |October 6th, 2019|Creative|0 Comments

Last week I attended the openings of two art exhibitions in which I am an exhibitor. Containing a diversity of work in a variety of mediums, both shows were thoughtfully curated by Sandra Murray.

I was proud to be selected as one of 52 finalists in the Perth Royal Art Prize from 253 entries. It’s the […]

1009, 2019

Kandinsky, Koons and Kubrick

By |September 10th, 2019|Creative|0 Comments

I’m reminded of how important it is to take time out from the humdrum of everyday life and recharge. I was fortunate enough to enjoy a whirlwind holiday in Europe recently. As an artist, taking in new cities, galleries and cultures is invaluable in terms of growth and inspiration. My trek took me to Zurich, […]

2805, 2019

‘Interchange’ 21m x 4.5m mural

By |May 28th, 2019|Murals, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Commissioned by the Town of Victoria Park for Arts Season, a month long celebration during May of all things creative within the town.

Paint kindly sponsored by Dulux.

The mural investigates the various elements of design such as line, colour, shape, form, value and space. The retro style pays tribute to childhood illustration books, some of which […]

403, 2019

Hello 2019

By |March 4th, 2019|Art Exhibition, Murals, Public Art|0 Comments

It’s hard to believe we’re into March already! Reflecting on 2018 I realise what a busy year it was in terms of artistic output and projects. Speaking with a lot of other artists, most admitted to suffering from burnout at some stage, especially towards the end of the year. I intentionally held off on having […]

1102, 2017

Art hire Perth

By |February 11th, 2017|Art Hire|0 Comments

Meeting Val Lehman from Prisoner

Being an artist is an interesting vocation where you meet people from all walks of life. A few weeks back I saw an advert for art hire Perth and picked up the phone. This resulted in a meeting with one of my TV idols, Val Lehman (AKA Bea Smith from Prisoner). I […]

1707, 2016

Don’t get too comfortable

By |July 17th, 2016|Art Auction, Art Exhibition, Live Painting|0 Comments

I was thinking recently of one of the first times I painted live in public. It was the first time I had ever applied for an EOI as a live painter for hire and didn’t think I’d score the job. I was wrong. The client saw my brightly coloured abstract paintings and loved them. As […]

1805, 2016

The ramblings of a non-starving artist

By |May 18th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

I certainly consider myself lucky in many respects. One of those aspects is to be working for myself as a graphic designer/marketer. While running my own business has its negatives (demanding clients, working on uncreative design projects which achieve a less-than-desired outcome, accounting, chasing payments etc) there are also positives which counteract. Such as allowing the freedom to instal […]

2404, 2016

Modern art. I can do that!

By |April 24th, 2016|Art Exhibition|0 Comments

As any artist will attest, a lot of work goes into holding a solo art show. The conceptualisation process for me is quite lengthly. I like to dedicate a lot of time to the thought process stage before any materials are purchased and any paint hits the canvas. For the people who utter statements like, ‘I can […]

1404, 2016

Digital abstract festival signage

By |April 14th, 2016|Design|0 Comments

I really enjoyed working with the Town of Claremont to create some eye popping original digital abstract artworks. They had to tie in with their existing festival branding, so it was a bit of a challenge working only in two colours for a change. They still turned out really bright and MASSIVE! I tried to pick […]

1104, 2016


By |April 11th, 2016|Art Exhibition|0 Comments

I was successful in my submission to the City of Vincent to exhibit in a series of light boxes on Beaufort Street. I’ve created a new series of digital art pieces based on photographs taken in Perth and surrounding areas. It’s been a really fun project to work on and I’ve just made a video […]