Monday and Tuesday I painted a roo with my original abstract design at Central Park in the city. The fun KangaART project will see the completed 20 life-size fibreglass kangaroo statues (painted by different artists) displayed in a permanent exhibition adjacent to a newly built Miami Bakehouse on the Forrest Highway. What an awesome public art project and a great opportunity for local Perth artists to be involved with. I look forward to the next one!
<a href=”#”>Tags</a><a href=”#”>miami bakehous</a><a href=”#”>public art</a><a href=”#”>kangaar</a><a href=”#”>live painting</a><a href=”#”>perth artist</a><a href=”#”>perth visual artist</a><a href=”#”>perth murals</a><a href=”#”>perth mural artist</a><a href=”#”> art commissions perth</a><a href=”#”>perth street art</a><a href=”#”>public artist perth</a>